

NovemberAll Saints' Day (Que.)Thursday 1(305-60)1900

I went up to the post to
mail some letters and
papers for papa as it
was so rainy we couldnt
go yesterday. Cleaned the 
parlor. Then mamma
and I painted the kitchen
floor with first coat. Borrowed
some boards from Mrs
. Tom was in and
wanted to paint, but we
did not let him.

  Friday 2(306-59) 

Mamma cleaned the halls.
I fixed some blue velvet
ribbon for a tie. Miss
was here collecting
for the Bible Society.
Mamma and I went
uptown. Frank Coy is
much better. Had a card from
papa. Anna Lloyd appealed
and she did not get it
so she has to go down
stairs again with the
kids. Mrs Pay took us
through her house.

November Saturday 3(307-58)1900

Took my music lesson.
Was to Mrs Sullivan's and
to Hodgin's for chickens.
Cleaned my fish and Eva
brought some candy she
made. Mamma and I put
on the second coat of paint
to kitchen floor. Was up to
Miss Boyles to see about
making me a waist. Got a 
programme of the Strauss
concert in Keating's. Got my
green skirt to-night.

  Sunday 4(308-57) 

Eva was over and borowed
two books. Went to church.
Sermon St. John IV. 50 verse
Mamma bought some candy
yesterday. Went to Sunday
School. Lesson "The Unjust
Steward". Had Miss Cleghorn.
Came down Church St with
Winnie Rolls. Caught up to
Tommy and he came home
with me. Mamma and I were at
church in evening. Mr Perry
is starting a series of sermons.
St. Matt V. The congregational
social is to be on the 18th

November Monday 5(309-56)1900

Cleaned the sitting room this
morning. Washed some of the 
little things. Did not get
through until nearly four
o clock. Then mamma went
uptown. While she was gone
an awful wind came up and
I brought my fish in the
house. She borowed a umbrella
of Mr Kane. Got a sample picture
from Perry Co. Malden, Mass.

  Tuesday 6(310-55) 

Cleaned the dining room. Chaplain's
saw works
were burned this
morning. I went uptown the 
afternoon. Ordered some oats
and meat. Was to post and office
Mr Wilson cheated me out of
3 cents he said cocanut wafers
were 15 instead of 12{c} a lb. Met
Helen as I was coming home
and went back uptown
with her. We saw the fire.
Mrs Chatfield called. I got a good
book out of the library "Edith
Vernon's Life Work
". The Strauss
concert was to-night in the
Opera House.

November Wednesday 7(311-54)1900

Wash day. Rainy and
disagreeable. Mamma went
uptown to the post in
the afternoon. Eva and
Tom were over at night
and Eva takes her first
music lesson to-morrow
of Miss Holden. Election day
to-day. Hurrah for Gibson.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier was here
Monday afternoon at the Welland 
and Sir Richard Cartwright
at the Opera House in the

  Thursday 8(312-53) 

Lancaster is elected but we
don't care. Laurier is in and
the Grits have the whole
show. I went uptown after
the papers &c[?}. Got mamma's
silver teapot. Maybee [sic] fixed it[?]
My: how it did rain. The 
Corticelli book came. Got two
cards from papa. Frank and 
he have not got a deer yet.
Mr Joseph Murphy is at the 
Opera House to-night in
"Shaun Rhue".

November Friday 9(313-52)1900

Very cold and snowy.
Mamma cleaned the
woodshed. I started to read
"Vanity Fair" by Thackeray.
Was uptown to-day.
Ordered chickens. Got another
card from papa. He and Frank
have one deer a piece and
expect to get their two.
Allie Coy came after the
quinges[?]. Got a book describing
the play "Way down East" which
is to be here Monday night. We
have missed the good ones.

  Saturday 10(314-51) 

Took my lesson. After I went
to the office with a telegram
for Dick. Had to take it
myself as Sid was not there
yet. Cleaned my fish. Eva brought
me some taffy she made.
Then mamma and I went
uptown afternoon I got
enough red goods for a waist
Went to Miss Boyle's and had
my measure taken. I ordered
three pieces. I love thee by
, Harlequin by H. N. Bartlett
and La Papillon. Etude de
Concert by C. Lavallee
. Got a
catalogue from Kent's. Mr Read
showed me some of R. Campbell's sketches.

November Sunday 11(315-50)1900

Got ready for church but it
looked rainy and I did
not go. I was picking out
a ring I would like.
Have been reading "Vanity
". Went to Sunday School.
Had Mrs Chatfield. There
is a social of the Y[oung].P[eople's].A[ssociation].
on Wednesday and the
congregational social os
Friday night.

  Monday 12(316-49) 

Mamma cleaned the pantry
and got the plants in
We went uptown in
the afternoon. I had to
go to Miss Boyles to have
my waist fit. Miss Nelson
has a lot of pretty paintings.
We were at Madame
about mammas
skirt and she had forgotten
about it. Miss Buckeley is
dead. Died yesterday afternoon.
Fern Healey came down at
night to tell me Mr Perry
had elected me on the Music
Committee of the Y[oung]. P[eople's]. A[ssociation]. and
I have to go Wednesday.

November Tuesday 13(317-48)1900

The first good snowstorm
of the season. Mr Lee
brought a basket of
Baldwin apples. Snow
turned to rain. Wrote to
Bessie Cowie. Was going
after the papers, but it
was too bad. "Way Down
" last night was
not very good. Mamma is
making us some Battenburg1 [sic]
ends for ties.

  Wednesday 14(318-47) 

About 2 o'clock Uncle Freeman
came in as he had been
to Port for sand. We
were waiting dinner for
papa, as he is coming
home. Came with his
deer. The one is a fine
buck. I went uptown
after the papers and
mail. Had dinner so
late we did not have
any tea. Then Mamma
went with me to the
Church. Mr Perry wants
Beatrice and I to play Friday night
We just had business tonight
about the reception.

1. Type of American lace tape. Named in honour of the Battenberg wedding.

November Thursday 15(319-46)1900

Papa went to the office
in the morning then
came home early in
the afternoon as Frank
was coming to
help him skin the deer.
Papa got the picture of the
twins. I was uptown to
Eckhardt's. Did not get
what I was after. Had
my waist tried on. Wrote
out papa's diary to-night.

  Friday 16(320-45) 

I got a book in the
library yesterday "A Strange
Temptation" by Mrs Spender
Mamma went uptown
in the afternoon for 
some cake and to see if
they wanted her to help at
the church. Papa went with
mamma & I then came
back later. I was talking
with Eloise Hamilton then I got
with Grace & Mayde Greenwood, Allie &
Mallie, & Bessie Elliot. Mr Skey &
Mr Lane gave speeches and
Beatrice & I played. Had a very
good time. I have to play on

November Saturday 17(321-44)1900

Miss McFarlane brought my
music last night. Took my
lesson. Took "Harlequin" by
H. N. Bartlett
for my lesson.
Have the first chorale in
Harmony for next week. Went
to Dwyer's to ask Beatrice to
play. Saw their new dog & cats.
Got ten pictures from the
Perry Pictures last night. Have a
cold. Went and had my
waist tried on. She will not
have it done until Monday.

  Sunday 18(322-43) 

Eva was in as usual on
Sunday morning. Had her hair
all frizzed. She is going to get
2 dozen scarfpins to sell and
get a watch. Went to
church. Sermon Gen.  25. 27 verse.
Instead of having a Friday
evening service they are
going to have a Bible
class. Papa went down
to the old Maris[?] who let
him have Dewey with
a piece of venison. Did not
go to Sunday School. Mamma
has a bad cold.

November Monday 19(323-42)1900

Very gloomy and rainy
all day. Mr J. P. Merritt
died yesterday afternoon
about 6.30. Have been
harmonizing "God Save the
Queen" in Soprano and do it
in Tenor to-morrow.
about 5 o'clock I took
some venison in to

  Tuesday 20(324-41) 

Rainy again I wish we
could see the sun once
more. My cold is worse
to-day. In the afternoon
Eva came in then went
home again & I was dressing
and she came upstairs with
my Christmas present; a
mother of pearl mudturtle broach[?].
I went to Pays, Dwyers,
and Hodgetts with venison,
and to Myer's after molasses.
Bessie Read's father died
yesterday. Mr and Mrs Coy and
Sidney were over at night. A meeting
of the active members of the
Musical Circle was held at Miss Vanderburghs'
to-night, but I did not go.

November Wednesday 21(325-40)1900

Mrs James Keyes called on
mamma & Mrs Coy yesterday
morning. Mrs Trusty is here.
Eva brought Phoebe a
Christmas a [sic] spoon. She is
selling pins to get a watch. Papa
took one. Beatrice came after
me at night. I played "Valse
Arabesque" by Lack
. Mine was the
first on the programme. Miss Prior
sang "Tit for Tat" and Beatrice played.
Miss Bates gave a recitation. Fern
, Roy Gobb & Mr Bradley gave

  Thursday 22(326-39) 

My cold is worse than ever.
Have a cold in my head
Eva came over at night and
gave mamma a diamond
pin and papa a catseye for
a ring. "The Christian" Hall
book is coming to the
Opera House next Wednesday.
Mrs Vale on Queen St. is
dead. She was 90 yrs. old.
Rainy at night.

November Friday 23(327-38)1900

This morning I went uptown
after my pins and to
change my library book.
Got "Leofwine the Monk".
Very nice day. Mamma
went uptown in the
afternoon. McLaren's and
Anderson's have their Christmas
things in. The Collegiate Cadets
have a concert to-night. Miss
Murray is to sing, Miss McCallum
recite and the flag is to be
presented to the cadets.

  Saturday 24(328-37) 

Took my music lesson.
Mr Read was not there. He
stays at the college nights.
I have to harmonize "As pants
the Hart" in Soprano & Bass.
Eva brought the two little
Riley girls in this morning.
Leta came over in the
afternoon, and I went uptown
and home with her. Lottie
was there. Mrs
and Miss Kottmeier
were down in the

November Sunday 25(329-36)1900

Eva was in this morning. Papa
put the deer tails on her
cap. Lent her two books "The
Wide Wide World
" & "Thelma". Did
not go out all day,
as they were afraid I
would catch more cold.
Snowy out. Read "John
Marmaduke" by Samuel
Harden Church
. Finished Leofwine
the Monk
" Mabel lent papa
the other book. It is a
library book.

  Monday 26(330-35) 

Very stormy to-day. It
commenced with rain and
then snow very heavy.
We got the Ladies' Home
Journal for December & Collier's
Weekly to-day. Sir Arthur
Sullivan died last week.
Have not much to say
as the weather is so

November Tuesday 27(331-34)1900

Muddy to-day Mrs O'Loughlin
called on mamma. I was
over to Lee's and coming
home, I saw Eva. She has
her pins. These are prettier
than the others.
Mamma was over to
Carman's. "The Wide Wide
" and "Success" came
to-night. Finished my
harmony. Franck Overholt
gave papa six quail.

  Wednesday 28(332-33) 

Helped mamma. Picked all
the quail, and chopped suet
raisins, & citron. Mamma made
a cake for the church. She
went up to the Auxiliary
& Ladies Aid so she took it
up. Came after our crokinole
board. Papa went as far as
the church with me. Had games
crokinole, Jenkin's up. Parcheesi & c.
Had quite a time finding my
crokinole men. Mr Roy Grobb [?]
was coming but he asked me
first. The "Christian" was
in the Opera House to-night.

November Thursday 29(333-32)1900

A colored german came about
our kitchen stove. The things
were wrong. So they have
to send to the factory again
Mamma got a letter from
Mamie yesterday & Mr
Zimmerman was here for dinner.
Took Dudleys umbrella
home and went to Lee's.
Miss Bird died yesterday

  Friday 30(334-31) 

Started to read "Home Influence"
by Grace Aguilar
when mamma
was sweeping. Mamma
went to the church to
help quilt. Eva and
Tom were in. Eva
wants me to make two
wishbone penwipers.
Papa went to St.
supper to-night.
Mr Macgregor invited

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