






W. M. Beam Jan 4th 1901

Tuesday January 29th 1901
clear & cold out. Verdi is dead.
Died last week on Friday or Sat.
The Musical Circle lecture is
postponed. I went up to
the library in the afternoon.
Got one of Pansey's books
Miss Priscilla Hunter". Papa
has the gripes1 ate to much candy
Mrs Marquis came & told
us the meeting was postponed
until Feb 12th


Wednesday Jan 30th 1901.
Mrs Trusty is here to-day.
Mamma had to go to the
church & to Mrs Sullivan's
She got some very pretty
samples of waist goods. I am
going to get one with pieces like
honiton braid running through
it. Ella was in. Poor Tommy
is very sick with pneumonia.
They have a debate to-night
in the church between a
boy & girl. Last night our
Society debated against Y.M.C.A
in their rooms.

1. Gastric or intestinal pain.

  Sunday 27th 1901

Went to church this morning
Mr Perry was out. He has had the
grippe1. He spoke on the Queen
I Cor. 15-26. Then went to
Sunday School. Miss Reyes
is going to give me a souvenir
if I come to see her next
Saturday. Papa & Mamma
went to church. I was
reading about the Queen

  Monday 28  

Phoebe had the Dr. down
in the afternoon Mrs Dwyer
was in. Then Mamma
went with her as she
had to go to Mrs Sullivans
Ella was over. They are
going to have a united
memorial service in the
Opera House Saturday afternoon
There are six deaths in
the paper. Dr. Smith is
very sick
1. Gastric or intestinal pain.

JanuaryNew Year's Day (Dom.)Monday 1(1-364)1900

New Year. First day of 1900 Charlie
died at Grand Forks
British Columbia yesterday of
typhoid fever. To-day is
election day and papa went
up about 3 o'clock and did
not get back until nearly
10. He brought us some candy
chocolate drops. We had a very
fat goose for dinner, not a
very young one. Had to have
good teeth.

  Tuesday 2(2-363) 

Went uptown in afternoon.
Was up to Eckhardt's but Miss
Macfarlane was not there so I did
not get what I wanted. Called at
office and Nettie came home
with me for tea. Mr Carman
came over and borrowed
my Mildred books. Then
Leta came & borrowed my
German Grammar as she forgot
hers & left it at school before holiday.
Papa, mamma, Nettie & I played
crokinole. Mamma & I beat. The
2nd Contingent left for Toronto today
to go to South Africa. Dr King's son

January Wednesday 3(3-362)1900

Mrs Trusty was here washing
School started to-day, but I
was not going this week.
Mamma went to the church
and then to Mrs Chatfields
Took her the church books.
The Queen Street Baptist Church
had a service of praise this
evening. Miss V Chapman is
organist & Mrs Read-Muir sang
Mrs George Armstrong has a
daughter was born on New
Year's day.

  Thursday 4(4-361) 

Went over to Carman's to have
Ella go with me to Dunn's
. We went about half
past three. I brought a primrose
Miss Chaplin was in there.
Mamma went to Mrs Klotz
at home Beatrice helped.
Papa & I went to Sunday School
entertainment at night. Had
a very long programme. There
was a dialogue called "Aunt Ketty's [sic]
which was good, and
a shaving scene. Mr Perry gave
a tableful of prizes away. Beatrice
came home with us. They had
a drill of girls & they sang
"Soldiers of the Queen"

January Friday 5(5-360)1900

Sweep day. I read "At the Camerons"
in the "Harper's Young People" when
mamma was sweeping. We had
a beggar in afternoon asking for a
few cents as he had a long way
to go. Rats! Went over to Lee's
in afternoon after eggs. Took a
"Young Ladies Journal" Mrs Pay lent
me. Her kitty has a sore
tail. Mrs Malcolmson came after
eggs when I was there. She got
large sum of 2. Had some candy
at night.

  Saturday 6(6-359) 

Took my music lesson. Mr Read
had not had his breakfast when
I got there so Mrs Campbell
showed me some of Robert
sketches. Mr Read
just had 2 new songs he
designed the cover himself for
them. Took the 6th Etude of
Czerny Op 740
. Went to Eckhardt's &
got my Mathew's History of Music
& a scribbling pad. Mrs Trusty
was here ironing. Mamma & I
went uptown in the afternoon.
She got a very pretty chrysanthemum
centerpiece at Miss Anderson's Papa got
5 rabbits. Have Deceptive Cadences
in Harmony for next week.

January Sunday 7(7-358)1900

My birthday 18 years Oh! I am getting
very old. The first Sunday
in the new year. Went to
church in the morning.
Mr Perry read an address from the
Bishops of the different dioceses
for Foreign & Canadian missions
Did not go to Sunday School as it
was raining. Read some in my new
History of Music. It is very interesting.
Papa, mamma & I went to
church at night. Text "There is salvation
in no other". Charlie Merrit was
buried this afternoon.

  Monday 8(8-357) 

I really started to school this
morning. Staid [sic] home & practiced
in afternoon as the club meets
to-night at Dwyers. Papa had
to go to Lodge first so mamma &
I went. There was hardly any of
the club there. Mrs Klotz & Mr &
Mrs Marshall were there. Mrs Klotz
won the ladies prize a little
hot water teapot & papa won the
gentleman's an ebony hat brush.
Walderman Klotz called for his
mother. I played some & so did
he. Mrs Pay's niece Olive Boyle
died on Sunday.

January Tuesday 9(9-356)1900

Practised in the morning as I have
to go to school this afternoon.
Went to school and Annie Gardiner
& I sat together. Came home with
the trio Leta, Laura Newman & Nellie
. I went with Nell around Duke
St. Toronto is getting to be a bad
place. A Miss Ferguerson was
sandbagged on Friday night & died,
then last night a young boy
was knocked down.

  Wednesday 10(10-355) 

Did not go to school to-day
Mamma has been lengthening
my Heather mixture1 skirt & I wore
it to-day. Went to Dwyer's after
Beatrice to go with me to try
the piano in Wherry's Hall, but
she & May Henderson went out to
Nellie Barnes as she has been sick.
Went & got Nettie to go with
me. The one piano is a good one
They are both Nordheimers. Papa
& mamma went to Coy's
at night. Papa got a nice
calendar from the Peters
Cartridge Co.
& to-day at noon
J.N . Walker the popular druggist was
married to-day to Miss Lake

1. A fabric composed of different colours of yarn.

January Thursday 11(11-354)1900

Did not go to school in the
afternoon. The "Musician" for
January came to-night. I have
to play at Muscial to-night.
Called for Beatrice & then Beatrice,
mamma & I went up Wellington
St. to meet Ethel McEdward. When
we got the programmes there was
a mistake in printing & my name
was not on but I played just
the same. "Au Matin" by Godard. Miss
G. Champman
came home with us
Eva Robertson played a pretty
"Gigue" by Godard.

  Friday 12(12-353) 

Went to Lee's then to school.
Annie Gardiner intended stopping
and going to the Art School in
Buffalo but is not going.
Miss Nelson is there. Annie & I
went uptown. She went to
Bazaar & I went to McLaren's
after some hairpins & to library &
Lloyd's after the teapot. Mamma
went over to Mrs Pays in afternoon.
Aunt Allie sent me a
birthday present. A book "In
the Tents of Kedar
. She has
been in Buffalo & just got home
on the 9th

January Saturday 13(13-352)1900

Took my music lesson. Took No
27. Funeral March in "Songs without
Words" by Mendelssohn
& the 7th Etude
Czerny's 749
. Mr Read heard I did very well
Thursday. Mrs Camp told him. Went
uptown in the afternoon to get
premium trading stamps. They
stamp ten spaces instead of giving
stamps. Went down to Miss
. Miss McLaren was
there. Did not get home until
nearly six.

  Sunday 14(14-351) 

Did not go to church in the morning
as it is very rainy and sloppy.
Then in the afternoon did not
go to Sunday School as it was
raining harder still. Papa is reading
"in Tents of Kedar". I have been reading
the Musicains. There is one very good
article on "The Development of Technique
from Bach to Liszt". We did not
go to church as it was
rainy again. I wish we did not
have rainy Sundays. I finished
"In Tents of Kedar" to-night

January Monday 15(15-350)1900

Went to school in morning,
but had my walk for
nothing for they had the
weekly examinations. Miss
on Queen St. died
yesterday in the hospital.
Papa got five books at
night. Premiums with the
"Hall Hour" Four by A. Conan
and one by Robert Louis
. It rained very
hard at night.

  Tuesday 16(16-349) 

Went to school in afternoon.
Papa went to Hamilton to-night
to the Hamilton Gun Club shoot.
Called in Dwyer's in afternoon to
see if she would go with
mamma & I to Knox Church
to-night. Mamma & I called
for her at night. They had an
entertainment called "Jerusha
Dow's Family Album
. It
was fine. Mrs McClive was
the grandmother and explained
each picture. Mrs McGhie
came home with us. Lost
my little black pin from my

January Wednesday 17(17-348)1900

Went to school in morning.
Annie Gardiner is taking drawing
lessons at Demill College. She
has to go Monday, Tuesday, &
Thursday mornings. Mrs Trusty
was here. The clothes did not dry.
Mamma went to Church. Mrs Haun
wanted to know why I had not
been at the Bible class for 3 Sundays
Mrs Greenwood & Mabel had
an "At Home" Mamma
went. Mrs Coy came home
with her

  Thursday 18(18-347) 

Practiced in the morning. Got
ready to go to school, but it
was raining. Waited for a
while then went uptown.
Got some Glycerine & Celery King1
at Walker's & Abbs. Then to the
library. Got "The Choir Invisible",
by James Lane Allen
. Went to
Eckhardt's & paid for my musical
history. Got the papers. Mr
was in the office
Mamma went to Mrs Notman's
at Home. Mrs Pay and Mrs
were with her.

1. The product was a laxative.

January Friday 19(19-346)1900

Was at school in the morning
Sat with Leta. Papa came
home from Hamilton last
night. Practiced in afternoon.
Mamma made a very pretty
cushion for parlor. Tapestry front
and brown back. Papa brought
us some candy at night. He
bought three tickets for the
Redpath Concert Co. that is to be
here on Tuesday. Mr Read & Mr
[sic] are bringing them here.
Wrote a letter to Aunt Allie

  Saturday 20(20-345) 

Took my music lesson. Took
the 7th Etude (as I did not practice
it for this week as I had too
many reviews) and Mendelssohn's
. It was raining
when I went, and has been
raining all day. Mrs Trusty
came to iron through all the
wet. Mamma is making
another cushion. It is of
peacock blue sateen covered
with Battenburg [sic]1. In my
Harmony I had to work out
from exercises in Open instead
of Close Position.

1. Type of American lace tape. Named in honour of the Battenberg wedding.

January Sunday 21(21-344)1900

Went to church in morning. 
Sermon was Phil. 3 & the 1st & second 
verses. Mrs Louis Meritt sat in 
our seat as theirs was filled. 
I finished the "Choir Invisible"
this afternoon before Sunday
School. Went to Sunday School 
Mrs Haun gave me a "Golden Text 
Book" for year 1900. Came home 
with Lizzie. Mr O'Loughlins 
mother is not expected to live.
Did not go to church at 

  Monday 22(22-343) 

Did not got to school in the morning 
as I took "Celery King"1. Mamma went 
out collecting for ladies aid in the 
afternoon, and uptown after some 
silk for doily of chrysanthemums. I
went uptown after some birdseed 
and cotton. Went to the office Mr
and Mrs McGhie was in there 
Met Helen and she said she was 
coming over. The entertainmnet in 
Knox Church was repeated to-night.
Mr O'Loughlin's mother died 

1. The product is a laxative.

January Tuesday 23(23-342)1900

Went to school in the afternoon.
Then papa mamma & I went
to the Redpath Concert Co. The
1 was fine. I never heard
anything I liked as well. There
were four singers 1 violinist and
1 pianist. Mme Meredith soprano
Miss Clary, contralto. Dr Carl Dufft basso
Mr Town, Tenor, Miss Von Fursch
violinist and Miss Koler pianist
all of them were encored twice
and Mr Dufft three times. All the
ladies got a beautiful boquet.
The first part was L[iza]. Lehmann's "In a Persian Garden".

  Wednesday 24(24-341) 

Went to school in the morning.
Annie Gardiner was not there
Mrs Dwyer and Beatrice called
in the afternoon. Beatrice and
Percy were at the concert but I
did not see them. Beatrice thought
it was not worth 75¢ last
night. Well everybody did not
think so or they would not
have encored them as they did.
Mamma finished her Battenburg2
cushion. Hellen was coming
over this afternoon, but she did
not get here.

1. See the Vanderburg Scrapbook for a copy of the complete program.
2. Type of American lace tape. Named in honour of the Battenberg wedding.

January Thursday 25(25-340)1900

Went to school in afternoon, the
Inspector was there, dear man, I
did not try to answer questions.
Mr Henderson lent Miss Dougan
Miss Benson & I his umbrella
as it was raining hard when
we came out of school. Ella came
over and brought "Dolly Dialogues"
home. She borrowed our rat trap
At night it snowed and blew
phew! and I could not go to the
Musical which I was very sorry
for as it was Russian night & Miss Mc
Farlane played. Papa brought some candy.

  Friday 26(26-339) 

We burnt a lamp last night as
the gasbills are so high. It is very
nice to burn lamps. Did not go
to school this morning as it was
cold & blustry. 100 below zero.
Mr Carman came over with a
rat for Pansy to catch it, and
the naught thing wouldn't as the
rat bit him on the lip. Mamma
Mrs Coy and Mattie went to Mrs
C. Moore's
card party in afternoon
from 3 to 6 o'clock Mrs Odlum
won first Miss Bate the second
and Miss Kate Clark the third
prize. The first was a tea cozey, 2nd
an orange knife, the third a

January Saturday 27(27-338)1900

Took my music lesson. Had
to go to Eckhardts after a piece
"Pierrette" by Chaminde Op 41
About tweleve o'clock two  
women called with a book
they were trying to sell, and
were more bother than their
worth. Mamma & I went
uptown. I took Mr Henderson's
umbrella home. I bought
three sponge taffy squares as I
had 3 coppers. Mr Overholt came
here. Papa went up to meet him
and they did not get back until 2 o'clock

  Sunday 28(28-337) 

Papa & Mr Overholt saw Charlie
Gould. Did not go to church as
it was after time when we
got up from breakfast. About
12 o'clock Charlie & Mr Dean
a friend of his came down.
When they went to catch 2.45
train Mr Overholt went with
them. Went to Sunday School
The lesson was the
"Temptation of Jesus" Did not
go at night as mamma
said she would go to
sleep as was up so
late last night.

January Monday 29(29-336)1900

Went to school in the morning
but Miss Cloney had went
home. I staid [sic] the hour and
the girls had a high old time
Called in at Mrs Pay's when I
went as she wanted to know
Mrs Notman's day. Mamma is
working a chrysanthemum
centerpiece. Mr Bunting came
home with papa for tea
and then they went to
the Opera House to 'A Trip to

  Tuesday 30(30-335) 

They had examination at
school so I did not have
to go. Mrs Killmer called on
mamma in afternoon and
brought back two books papa
lent them. I have been
working some on a doily.
Jerusha's Dow's Album was
repeated last night in St.
Barnabas Church
. I got an
invitation at noon Allie Coy
is going to have an "At Home"
Friday afternon from 4 to 6,
Papa brought some buttercups
and peppermints. DePachman
the Russian painist played
in Toronto last night.

January Wednesday 31(31-334)1900

Mrs Trusty is here. Did not go to
school but went to library
and got a book "The Guinea
Stamp" by Annie S Swan
Mamma went to church, and
they got $27. The Ladies Aid is doing
all right. Mamma went to a
musicale held at Mrs Larkin's
for Red Cross fund. Winnie
and Mattie sang, Louisa Groves
& Mrs Marquis played and Mr
. Papa went to lodge and
the Citizens House supper.

February Thursday 1(32-333) 

Went to school in afternoon
Annie Gardiner was there. She
has not been there for a long
while, She came to Queen street
with me. I finished "The Guinea
" last night I am a very
swift reader. Mamma went
out to call on Mrs Klotz. She
went uptown and bought me
a pair of gray kid gloves
for to-morrow afternoon.
Did my German for to-morrow
at night. Have 30 and 31 pages of
"Das Kalte Herz".

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