The War

The War, July 4, 1812.  This issue contains an act by President James Madison declaring war between the United Kingdom and the United States.  

Established June 27, 1812, this weekly newspaper was published by Samuel Woodworth & Co. in New York, N.Y., and contained chiefly War of 1812 news.  Digitized issues of The War:  a War of 1812 newspaper  are available.  These issues consist of 4 volumes covering the period from June 1812 to February 1815.  

The following issues provide details of some of the more important events in the war, and those involving events in the Niagara region.

The War, August 24, 1813.  An article on the second page describes a naval engagement on Lake Ontario, during which two American ships (Scourge and Hamilton) were sunk during a storm off the Niagara coast.  Two other American ships (Julia and Growler) were captured by the British.

The War, January 11, 1814.  An account of the American's abandonment of Fort George and the burning of Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake) is included.

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