The Quick Royal Visit

The New Middle Road Highway and the New Niagara Falls Highway were rather uninspired names. Officials took advantage of the fact that this would be the first time a reigning monarch would visit Canada and they asked the Queen for permission to name the highway after her. The Queen said that she would be happy to dedicate the highway as she passed through St. Catharines. The fact that the King and Queen visited Canada as they faced an imminent war inspired confidence and a sense of peace to Canadians. 

King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Mackenzie King meet local dignitaries after getting off the royal train in St. Catharines.

On June 7, 1939, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (later known as the Queen Mother) dedicated the first 68 mile stretch of the Queen Elizabeth Highway from Highway 27 at the west of Toronto to the western end of Niagara Falls. This was a big event as the bands played, the crowds roared and the Royal Lincoln convertible crossed the Henley Bridge near St. Catharines. The car crossed an electric eye beam that parted two Union Jacks and the inscription "The Queen Elizabeth Way" was revealed. This was the big opening. The car did not stop but continued on a whirlwind tour.

Maxine Daley, daughter of Mayor Daley, presented flowers to the Queen. The reception area was full of cheering citizens. "God Save the King" was played and the royal couple signed the visitors' book.

The royal motorcade tripped the electronic beam which parted the flags

One of the towers which parted the flags as the King and Queen drove by.