
The Queen Elizabeth Way is a small part of Ontario's network of highways. Many lessons were learned from the construction of this highway and it continues to be a work in progress. Ontario has been a leader in the application of road safety, not only in road construction but in general safety.  Some examples of this are: metal crash barriers, seatbelt use, tall walls, wider right of way, high occupancy lanes and graduated licensing. Construction, though often annoying, is ongoing and necessary. Ontario is constantly updating highways and keeping abreast of long-term infrastructure in order to benefit citizens and the economy. 

The Queen Elizabeth Way is the only 400-series highway that connects Toronto to the Niagara Region. It also serves as the main route to the United States. High volumes of commercial and passenger vehicles travel the Queen Elizabeth Way. It has come a long way since the Middle Road days and will continue to evolve and adapt to the needs of Ontarians and the demands of trade and tourism. 

Heading into Toronto on the Queen Elizabeth Way

1939 Highway sign

1942 Highway sign

1950s Highway sign