John R. Monro - 72 & 74 St. Paul St.

Mrs. Woodruff got her china and glasses from John R. Monro. She bought a dinner set; glasses including: port, sherry, champagne, and tumblers. She also purchased German china, a crock, a flat dish, a cheese plate, finger bowls, Rockingham bowls, a Princeton glass dish on a foot, and various other pieces that would have served as formal and informal dinnerware. The china wasn't just limited to the dining room. She bought a toilet set in blue which was manufactured by the Minton China Company. A toilet set is a set of grooming aids such as a mirror, brush, and comb. 



On the left is an example of a Rockingham bowl. On the right is an advertisement for sugar which is something that one normally does not find in a fine china shop.