The Maple Leaf Rubber Company

The Maple Leaf Rubber Company was established in 1890 and it played a key role in the history of Port Dalhousie. At the time, it was the largest employer with 125 people. The factory provided electricity for the town’s streetlights. In 1915, the Maple Leaf Rubber Company was purchased by Canadian Consolidated Rubber Company. Eventually, the company shut down in 1929, leaving 359 employees. In 1898, the Lawrie building, which was the original location of Maple Leaf Rubber Company, burned on New Years’ Day. A 3-storey red brick building was erected.  In the years preceding the closing of the Maple Leaf Rubber Company, the Lincoln Fabrics took over the building. As of 2019, it  is expected that the building is going to house condominiums. 

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