Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-1965 + AMM Brainstorming



Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-1965 + AMM Brainstorming


This is a page of AMM's handwritten notes, labelled as page 171 in her notebook. There are also newspaper clippings pasted onto the page, taken from Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-1965.

The handwriting reads:
- the disappearing male - Ricky is taken, Micheal gets lost / loses himself.
- do Madeleine + Colleen discover a patch of melting snow in a field? - missile site? ie Berlin "Gold" - earth is warmer over tunnel / installation because of heating
- find McNamara's [quote] in 61/2? in his 1st press briefing as [Sc. Def]. re. [new] Soviet [superiority].
- find [himself] the "Green Beret."

The newspaper clippings read:
Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years, 1963-1965 by Taylor Branch
At his first press briefing as President Kenendy's incoming Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara had disclosed that the celebrated missile gap did not exist after all. He retracted the statement under sharp public attack, and privately offered Kennedy his resignation. Remarkably, McNamara survived to swiftly remove Eisenhower's internal brakes on the development of strategic weapons.


AMM wrote the notes and the newspaper clippings are written by Taylor Branch


Likely before the publication of TWTCF in 2003


Notes in black pen on a lined piece of paper with additionally glued newspaper pieces


Both the notes and paper clippings heavily reference McNamara.


From AMM's personal archive

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