War Criminals in Canada
War Criminals in Canada
"Soon after World War II ended, rumors started that Nazi war criminals were living in Canada. Ever since, accusations have kept popping up, yet no matter how detailed and credible the claims, these alleged war-time torturers and murderers were permitted to remain in Canada. Ten years ago, Ottawa belatedly started pursuing people accused of committing horrible crimes during the Holocaust. It has been a frustrating, largely futile effort. Yet the RCMP and the Justice Department continue to investigate, even though the war has been over for more than 50 years, even though the suspects are now very old and virtually unpunishable if found guilty. War Criminals in Canada chronicles many of the infamous and lesser-known cases. But how did these suspects get past immigration authorities? Why did the Canadian government wait so long to act? Why have prosecutors been unsuccessful so far? Should the chase end soon, or should it continue until the last suspect is dead?" - From Amazon
list of authors
James E. McKenzie
Detselig Enterprises Ltd (Jan. 1, 1996)
From AMM's personal archive
The Way the Crow Flies