(From left to right) Chardon Trimble-Kirk, Growth (Series of 3), Vibrancy (Series of 9), 2019-20. Oil on canvas. Intimacy, 2019-20. Thread, embroidery hoops. Image credit: Jimmy Limit, 2021.



(From left to right) Chardon Trimble-Kirk, Growth (Series of 3), Vibrancy (Series of 9), 2019-20. Oil on canvas. Intimacy, 2019-20. Thread, embroidery hoops. Image credit: Jimmy Limit, 2021.


(From left to right) Chardon Trimble-Kirk, Growth (Series of 3), Vibrancy (Series of 9), 2019-20. Oil on canvas. Intimacy, 2019-20. Thread, embroidery hoops. Image credit: Jimmy Limit, 2021.


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