Rochester and Albany
On August 28 Baker arrived in Rochester. He wrote "we stopped at the Eagle House, a very fine house and took breakfast. Rochester is the handsomest place we have seen in the State of New York and far exceeds Buffalo". The rest of the day was spent travelling, ending with a stop at the Delaware Temperance House, which he remarked was very near the depot.
On August 29 Baker was in Albany, writing that "the City of Albany showed finely from our windows". He took some time to tour the City, noting that "peaches and fruit of every kind very plenty and cheap." Baker also visited the State Geological and Agricultural Rooms and "spent some time in examining the specimens of Birds, Beasts, Insects, Indian Costumes, minerals, agricultural implements... It was a large and very valuable collection". The remainder of the day was spent travelling. He ended the day in Springfield, 102 miles from Albany.