Stamford Centre Branch Library
In the early years of Stamford, library service was provided by the Stamford Women' s Institute. They arranged a book loan service from the Welland County Book Depot. In 1957, Stamford acquired their own library. On Saturday June 22, 1957, the Stamford Centre Library opened in a building that had previously been owned by the Canadian Bank of Commerce. The building was located at Portage and Vine Streets. This library was unique because it operated under a contract agreement with the Niagara Falls Public Library. The Stamford Centre Branch Library had its own board, but was maintained by the Niagara Falls Public Library. This arrangement was conducive to good service because patrons could request books from the main library and from the Drummond branch. A weekly delivery service was available and the cost of acquiring duplicate books was avoided. This served as a model for other library boards. The building later became a People's Variety Store.
On June 14, 1962, The Stamford Centre Branch Library moved to a new location behind the main area of the Town and Country Plaza. It was in the storefront where Fine Kettle 'O' Fish was eventually located. In December 1974, the library once again moved to the Town and Country Plaza where it remains to this day.