Diary Page 130
Diary Page 130
- Tea with Dr Abbott and sister at Welland House
September 4
Was reading "Three men on
Wheels" when Mrs Tulley
and Dr Abbott came in.
They wanted papa, mamma
& I to go to the Welland
House for tea. Dr Abbott
hurried up to the office
and caught papa. Had a
very good supper. They
walked home with
us. Mrs Tulley told about
a good books "Uarda" by
Ebeer [sic].
September 5
Mamma and I drove up to
McLaren's and to the library
Changed my book for "A Country
Minister's Love story" by
Maria Bell. Nell sat down
by McLaren's. I was skeered.
We drove out Martindale
way. Got some plums,
Went over to Carmans and
asked Blanche, Ella & Sam over; but
the gentleman had flown.
Dr Abbott and Mrs Tulley
were down for the last
time. Had melons.
Was reading "Three men on
Wheels" when Mrs Tulley
and Dr Abbott came in.
They wanted papa, mamma
& I to go to the Welland
House for tea. Dr Abbott
hurried up to the office
and caught papa. Had a
very good supper. They
walked home with
us. Mrs Tulley told about
a good books "Uarda" by
Ebeer [sic].
September 5
Mamma and I drove up to
McLaren's and to the library
Changed my book for "A Country
Minister's Love story" by
Maria Bell. Nell sat down
by McLaren's. I was skeered.
We drove out Martindale
way. Got some plums,
Went over to Carmans and
asked Blanche, Ella & Sam over; but
the gentleman had flown.
Dr Abbott and Mrs Tulley
were down for the last
time. Had melons.
Date Created
Alternative Title
[PERSONAL]September 4, 1900
Bibliographic Citation
Bell, Maria. "A Country Minister's Love". https://books.google.ca/books?id=XGslAAAAMAAJ&pg=PR1&lpg=PR1&dq=A+Country+Minister%27s+Love+story++Maria+Bell&source=bl&ots=APy0471K2Q&sig=ACfU3U1CM76v4IoMBDkPKVKVni5ww5WfkQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5zZDT7q_gAhVNja0KHVY0BXcQ6AEwCHoECAQQAQ#v=onepage&q=A%20Country%20Minister's%20Love%20story%20%20Maria%20Bell&f=false
Ebers, Georg. "Uarda". https://books.google.ca/books?id=_WU5AAAAMAAJ&pg=PA124&lpg=PA124&dq=%22Uarda%22+by+14+Ebeer&source=bl&ots=4XOVP70XXs&sig=ACfU3U2Cbtb4DwOUo-B5VP1aD_-sI6xvZw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0qN_i7a_gAhUBOq0KHeR7DrYQ6AEwBnoECAMQAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Uarda%22%20by%2014%20Ebeer&f=false