Diary page 190 Jan 2-3 1901



Diary page 190 Jan 2-3 1901


Diary page 190 Jan 2-3 1901


Jany [sic] Wed 2nd 1901
Have been working at a
very pretty doily. Mamma
went uptown in the afternoon.
Wanted her to get a Golden Text
Book for 1901 but they were all gone.
Leta was over to see me
in the afternoon. She got
some very nice Xmas presents.
Eva was over. Borrowed a book.
Allie, papa & I went to church at night.
Mr Perry gave us slips of paper with
names on them for impromptu speeches.
Mine was “Santa Claus” Mr. Reavely, Mr Read
& Allie played & Mr Rothwell sang. Papa’s

Thursday 3rd
speech was on “Bad Habits”. We had
lots of fun. I finished my
doily all but the border.
Papa brought a shield home
at night for the deer’s head
& mounted it. Mamma made
me a shawl for evenings the
other day. She wore it to–night
as she & papa went over to
Kennedy’s to spend the evening.
Mr & Mrs Coy were there. Mr Skey [?]
was presented & Saturday
evening was presented by the
Young People of Merriton with
a surplice & stole before he left
for Hamilton.

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