Diary Page 40



Diary Page 40


- Scandinavian Night at church


Mrs Dwyer was buried this afternoon
Mamma and I went to church.
We were late. We had Mr Miller
as I suppose Mr Perry was at the
funeral. Then we went to the Post
Mamma sent for some samples from
Simpson's. We really went to the
Musical to-night. Mr Williams
led it. Miss Macfarlane played a
pretty Bercuse by Selytte[?]
and Mr Thompson and Miss Burson[?]
played chaconne by Jadassohn I
liked these the best. It was
Scandinavian night.

March 9
Went to school. Annie was
there. She went with me
as far as the library. I
got "A House-Boat on the
Styx", by J. K. Bangs after
so long as I have been
trying to get it for nearly
a year. Finished it to-night.
We expected Dr and Mrs
Klotz over to spend
the evening, but they
did not come. Mattie is
going back in the choir and
Frank too.

Alternative Title

[LOCAL]March 8-9, 1900

Date Created


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