Diary Page 38



Diary Page 38


- Mrs Jeeves has operation in hospital


Was at church in the morning
Sermon Phil 3. 13 & 14th verses
Communion Sunday. In the
afternoon it was snowing
hard so I did not go to
Sunday School. Mamma had
a headache so we did not
go at night. I read "Titus"
over again. The chief character
is Titus the son of the high priest
Caiaphas, but he was stolen by
a servant Prisea when he was young
and her husband was a ruffian and
Titus & the supposed father were the thieves hung
on the cross at Christ's crucifixion

march 5
Started back to school after a
week's rest. They got back
their French papers. Called in
Dwyer's to see how old Mrs
Dwyer was. She is just about
the same. Ella was over in
the afternoon she brought my
Mildred books & mousetrap back.
Mrs Jeeves is sick and is to
have an operation performed this
afternoon at the hospital.
I went to the church to the
5 o'clock service. Mr Perry spoke
on the first chapter of Romans
from 13 to 17 verses.

Alternative Title

[LOCAL]March 4-5, 1900

Date Created


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