- Pretoria taken
- Kruger captured in South Africa_
- Death of Mr Rollinson_
- Bicycle Works to move to Brantford
- Monthly meeting of Ladies Aid ($29 month)
- Winnie and father go to Queenston, dine at Monument House, Chippawa, Niagara Falls_
- Lillie Carroll in New York
- Empire Day_
- Queen's Birthday
- Winnie and mother go fishing at Decew Falls_
- Fire at Wilsons Lumber Yard
- Relief of Mafeking in Boer War
- Boulevard torn up to lay granolithic sidewalk_
- Fire at Welland Vale Works
- May Musicians_
- Paderewski lecture
- Winnie sees moving picture show at Biograph
- Winnie's father gets electric shock from street car
People: Frank Overholt, Eloise Hamilton, Grace & Mayde Greenwood, Allie & Mallie, & Bessie Elliot. Mr Skey & Mr. Lane, Beatrice
Locations: Eckhardt's
Literature: "A Strange temptation" by Mrs. Spender
- Death of Mrs Adam Borrowman
- Paderewski plays in Toronto and Buffalo_
- Winnie Carman marries Rev. M. Simpson in Minnepolis_
- Mrs C. Quackenbush killed by train in Niagara Falls
People: Mr. Lee, Bessie Corvie, Uncle Freeman, Mr. Perry, Beatrice
- Winnie elected to Y.P.A music committee
People: Allie Coy, Dick, Sid, Eva, Miss Boyle, Mr. Read
Literature: "Vanity Fair" by Thackeray "Way Down East"
Music: I love thee by Grieg and La Papillon. Etude de concert by C. Lavallee.
- Election Day_
- Sir Wilfred Laurier at Welland Depot on Monday (Nov.5)_
- Sir Richard Cartwright at Opera House_
- Election victory for Liberals_
- Mr Joesph Murphy at Opera House in "Shaun Rhue"
- Chaplin Saw Works burns in morning_
- Strauss concert at Opera House
People: Eva, Miss Boyles, Tommy, Mr. Perry
Locations: Mrs. Sullivan's, Hodgin's