


Question 1: What are your current feelings about the COVID-19 pandemic?
Blown way out of proportion

Question 2: Have your opinions about the virus changed over the past twelve weeks? How?
I always agreed was an illness out there but not to the degree they blew it up as shown by numbers

Question 3: As stores and public places have started to open up, does this make you relieved or more fearful? Why?

Question 4: What have been the primary ways that you have protected yourself from COVID-19? Isolation? Masks? Gloves? Hand sanitizer? How did you decide?
Washed and sanitized hands and all touch points at work

Question 5: If an effective vaccine is developed within the next year and becomes widely available, would you get the vaccine? Why or why not?
No not tested flu shot rarely works how can this rushed shot work

Question 6: Have you been tested for COVID-19? How was that experience?

Question 7: How much longer are you ready to live with regulations and limitations? When should things get back to "normal"?
Done but I didnt change much other then shopping as had to mind my grandchildren while their parents worked
Need normal got a pup at christmas and now e is an unsocialized bouncy boy if someone says hello to him

Question 8: Have you thought about how you will interact in the community once the pandemic has passed? What will you do the same or different day to day?
Will still sanitize still keep distance but not a touchy feely person anyways

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This item was submitted on June 11, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Questions and Answers 2” on the site “Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara”: https://exhibits.library.brocku.ca/s/COVID-Niagara

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