


Question 1: What are your current feelings about the COVID-19 pandemic?
Slightly perturbed but doing good

Question 2: Have your opinions about the virus changed over the past twelve weeks? How?
I went from extremely fearful and am currently feeling more settled and safe

Question 3: As stores and public places have started to open up, does this make you relieved or more fearful? Why?
RELIEVED. we need to function as a society and country sooner than later

Question 4: What have been the primary ways that you have protected yourself from COVID-19? Isolation? Masks? Gloves? Hand sanitizer? How did you decide?
Clean hands
Fresh air

Question 5: If an effective vaccine is developed within the next year and becomes widely available, would you get the vaccine? Why or why not?
Yes I would absolutely get a vaccine because I know they are effective

Question 6: Have you been tested for COVID-19? How was that experience?
Haven’t been tested

Question 7: How much longer are you ready to live with regulations and limitations? When should things get back to "normal"?
I’m prepared to live with regulations as long as this pandemic is critical. But once our numbers are down and hospitals are functioning well then we need to return to economic and mental health reasons to more activities as well as opening.

Question 8: Have you thought about how you will interact in the community once the pandemic has passed? What will you do the same or different day to day?
Continue to clean hands
Not shake hands
Keep my distance
Order online
Shop in off hours


June 8,2020

Spatial Coverage

Grimsby Ontario

Item sets

This item was submitted on June 11, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Questions and Answers 2” on the site “Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara”: https://exhibits.library.brocku.ca/s/COVID-Niagara

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