


Question 1: As of this date, in what ways has COVID-19 affected you at work / school / other?
Unable to care for our grandchildren....miss them!

Question 2: How has it affected you at home? How are you passing the time?
Increase in yard work and completion of small outdoor projects. Very, very thankful to have a yard for regular, outdoor physical activity.

Question 3: What are your biggest concerns surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak?
Concerned about psychological effects on young children and adolescents. Concerned about staying healthy (my husband and I are in our seventies).

Question 4: Do you know someone who has contracted the virus (no names please)? What has that experience been like for the individual(s) and those around them?
I have heard that a sister of an acquaintance has passed due to Covid. She lived in Florida.

Question 5: What are your opinions on how the media has covered the pandemic?
Excellent, although I limit my exposure to a couple of hours a day. Always aware that the media is the message and that I need to maintain a ‘critical ear’ (I listen to radio mostly).

Question 6: Do you feel like your local leaders - medical, political, business - are doing a good job in responding to COVID-19? What about at the provincial or national level?
Not sure how to evaluate. Prime Minister is stellar, however. So proud to be Canadian!!!

Question 7: When do you think this will end? What challenges are still ahead? What will be different? What will be better?
I expect social distancing to be in place for up to two years even after people gradually return to the workplace. Seniors may restrict their movement longer. Cruises may become a thing of the past. There may be significant increase in family breakdown due to stress associated with job loss and economic factors.

Question 8: Is there anything else that you would like to say about the COVID-19 pandemic?
Many lessons learned. Thanks for this opportunity to input. Those who do not take heed history are doomed to repeat it...or something to that effect.

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This item was submitted on April 13, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Questions and Answers 1” on the site “Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara”: https://exhibits.library.brocku.ca/s/COVID-Niagara

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