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Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara

Collected Item: “Isolation (A poem)”

I agree:



Anne Adams


March 29, 2020





What day is it?
Does it matter?
I strain to hear life
No traffic, just birds.

What shall I wear?
Nobody cares.
If you succumb
I won’t be there for you.

Surreal, barren landscape.
Cower behind smudged windows.
Sometimes I walk
Alone and distanced.

Faces obliterated,
Fear hidden by masks.
Places that teemed,
Ghost towns now.

A cough!
Dirty looks, stepping away
Help your neighbours,
But keep your dIstance.

We were social ants.
Now, pixilated
Chatting to cyber images.
Don’t touch.

Your plans disintegrated
No work
Unless you’re essential
Therefore, vulnerable.

Your well-planned wedding,
Nobody will be there.
Wash your hands,

Children wonder
Why friends and grandparents
Have abandoned them.
Playgrounds are silent.

No travel,
Trying to keep sane,
Confined with faithful pets.
Reading statistics.

Some think it seems like a plot,
A social experiment,
Who’s laughing
At our expense?

Readjusting norms
With harsh measures
What will we be
When the cloud lifts?

Anne Adams

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