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Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara

Collected Item: “[Untitled]”

I agree:





Sept 27, 2020

Answer 1 - Masks:

I believe that masks should be mandatory only for the sick and for people in customer / client / patient service positions.
The government should have limited power to mandate mask usage as it is not in their capacity or responsibilities to protect all people from all ills or risks. Individual people are best left to make decisions based on information available to them through whatever channels they choose. Governments rarely give up control of their constituents rights once they have taken them, and we see ample evidence of this already today in Canada. Totalitarian regimes always begin with someone saying “in the best interest of the people” before destruction of personal freedom.
The choice of mask or no mask in the first half of the year saw a huge decline in cases from the peak in the spring. The masks create a false sense of fear that the disease is more prevalent than it actually is, and are destroying the fabric of our culture, that of families, neighbours, and friends gathering and living in community. The fallout of this fear of each other Wil last for decades. We as a culture will be less willing to enter into new relationships or ventures in business.
Trust is so important to community, and few now trust academics, media or governments, as they see the constantly changing “truth of the day”

Answer 2 - Borders:

Closing borders is good for containment of potential influx of foreign carriers of the virus

Answer 3 - Visitors:

Loosen restrictions across the province so that the venues that are open don’t get so crowded.

Answer 4 - Schools

Children and adolescents are virtually unaffected by the virus and should be allowed full access to their education. Teachers should be the ones taking precautions.
On line learning is great but it doesn’t work for all children. Special provisions for the children who need special attention. High school and university students should be able to learn from online lectures but need lab time.

Answer 5 - Second Wave:

No, because people are very cautious already

Answer 6 - Missing Out:

Summer vacation was canceled due to availability of cottages.
I certainly hope that I can return to normal soon.

Answer 7 - Sources:

I read a lot online to be aware of the truth without the “sky is falling” hype sold by mainstream media. All major media organizations sell bad news for profit to the terrified sheeple.
I read CDC reports, and look for numbers of hospitalization cases to get a better sense of what has happened.

Answer 8 - Return to Normal:

Already has subsided. New faulty testing is used to prop up the numbers, so the politicians will hold us as long as they can.
Likely at least a year.


Beamsville, Ontario

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