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Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara

Collected Item: โ€œ[Untitled]โ€

I agree:



Sept 28,2020

Answer 1 - Masks:

Yes masks should be mandatory and enforced

Answer 2 - Borders:

Yes border should remain closed, good fair decision allows trade to come but protecting our country and strain on health care system

Answer 3 - Visitors:

Limits on visitors to balance potential health risk and strain on health care. Options for workers to choose to work or not based on their risk. Enforcement of protocols and mask wearing stanatization

Answer 4 - Schools

Poor execution of return to school. Mask wearing on property not enforced . All classes should be seamless online or in class to support changes seamlessly.

Answer 5 - Second Wave:

Yes return to school and inbound international travel opened without enforced tracking and isolation protocols

Answer 6 - Missing Out:

Missed international travel canceled wedding not able to attend family funeral. But in the end I am grateful to be healthy and safe and keep my family safe and healthy.

Answer 7 - Sources:

Region of Niagara, govt of ontario web site, who

Answer 8 - Return to Normal:

There will be a new normal , not returning until there is proven treatment or vaccine, 2-5 years

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