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Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara

Collected Item: “[Untitled]”

I agree:



Sept 28, 2020

Answer 1 - Masks:

My feelings on masks are they of course help to stop the spread of COVID-19. However, I also think it is unrealistic to expect everyone to wear them. From people claiming to have “medical reasons” they can’t, to conspiracy theorists thinking this is about government control, to young kids not being able to keep them on, to ignorant people who simply don’t get it... so yes it helps - but how effective is it... I’m not too sure.

The government making the rules about masks - that is the governments job.. anyone who thinks this is over reach needs to give their head a shake. They mandate masks like they’ve been mandating other health related issues for many years, like driving, seatbelts, alcohol, tobacco, sanitation... of course they need to mandate masks.

Answer 2 - Borders:

The border being closed is definitely a good idea. COVID-19 is out of control In the USA. As soon as the border opens it will undue every sacrifice Ontarians have made since March. It needs to remain closed until an effective vaccine is created and distributed to all who want it.

Answer 3 - Visitors:

Nothing can be done to make it safe but to shut the businesses down. This would obviously be disastrous for the economy. But you can’t have it both ways. You can’t open everything up with a couple mild rules and expect everything to be fine. We are currently seeing first hand that this is true. It is spreading like wild fire in schools - to no ones surprise.

Answer 4 - Schools

The first sentence here is a statement not a question and does not require a question mark haha sorry.

The school situation is unbelievably nonsensical. What they are doing in schools goes against all the rules they say we have to follow. The biggest and most important one being social distancing. This cannot be achieved at a school. And expecting students of every age to keep their masks on properly the entire time is insane.

Online learning is a good alternative. But only for families with older children or ones that have one parent at home. This is not feasible for a home where two parents work all day and their kids are too young to be alone. But what other option is there?

Also, having kids have to get tested every time they have a runny nose is idiotic. Both for school and daycare. Anyone with young kids will tell you the runny nose, especially in the fall/winter, is a weekly thing. I have friends who have already had to take over a week off because the time it takes for you to get your results is at least a week. How much work can we expect parents to take off unpaid from work? If this continues all school year it will set women back decades in the work place. As they will be the ones in most situations who will stay home from work. How long until employers start hesitating to hire women with young kids? This is not sustainable.

Answer 5 - Second Wave:

Absolutely. Things are opening up, more people are getting tested, the numbers of positive tests are going up. We haven’t seen a huge increase in hospitalizations and deaths though. I think because high risk facilities like nursing homes are now following very strict procedures to prevent the horror we seen before. Also as doctors learn about COVID-19 better treatments are discovered. So hopefully even though the number of positive tests are increasing the number of deaths will not increase at the same rate.

Answer 6 - Missing Out:

I missed out on having a normal pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum experience. So did a lot of women. Women are always expected to just deal with it - and we do -often in silence. This pandemic has placed a lot of weight on the shoulders of many women and I think this needs to be talked about more.

Answer 7 - Sources:

I get news from various social media sites that link to other websites. Reddit, Facebook, Twitter.. I don’t trust any specific source more than the other. I always try to be open minded and do my own research but this doesn’t always happen unfortunately.

Answer 8 - Return to Normal:

It will subside when a vaccine is made and those at high risk are able to get it. Life will not be “normal” for a while. I can’t see hospitals and doctor offices going back to being maskless. I also think a lot of appointments will stay virtual.


Niagara Region

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