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Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara

Collected Item: “First summer of the pandemic”

I agree:



August 4, 2020


First summer of the pandemic

Answer 1 - Feelings

Scared that it could be many years before it is safe to move around again. Scared that there are so many stupid people not wearing masks. Sad and bored - I miss playing music with my friends. Terrified that the Canada/US border might reopen and bring a flood of infected people into Canada.

Answer 2 - Opinions

I'm more informed about coronaviruses in general now. I'm not going to eat indoors in restaurants or do any indoor activities, even with physical distancing in place - the risk is too high of catching this deadly virus.

Answer 3 - Opening up

I wear a mask and face shield, sometimes gloves when I shop. I think it's too soon to allow crowds to congregate indoors. Until there's a vaccine widely available in Canada, we need to stay isolated.

Answer 4 - Protection

I have risk factors, so Isolation is #1, followed by masks, face shield (or safety goggles), gloves, hand sanitizer always available in my purse, and only socializing with responsible people (online-only with careless friends).

Answer 5 - Vaccines

Yes, but not first person in line for one. I would wait for enough people to get it that the scientists can sort out what kind of side effects the vaccine has.

Answer 6 - Testing


Answer 7 - How much longer

As long as it takes to have an effective vaccine (or a cure). I'm expecting a couple of years minimum.

Answer 8 - Future

I will probably avoid indoor events with large crowds, or any events with close quarters and prolonged exposure to others. I may not travel by air ever again.


Niagara Falls

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