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Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara

Collected Item: “[Untitled]”

I agree:



Heather Maxwell



Answer 1 - Feelings

As a pregnant woman will health issues, I’m pretty scared.
There so much uncertainty and it seems like there is something new about the virus everyday. It’s upsetting to see that so many people aren’t taking this seriously and claim that it’s a ploy for government control or some silly conspiracy. It seems like everyone wants to reopen everything except me. I’m scared to go back to work, I’m scared to go into public. I worry snout local businesses but I worry about the health of people more. I feel forced to go back to work because at this point all government funding is being cut and if I don’t gain 160 more hours of employment, I won’t even qualify for maternity leave.
I don’t feel safe.
I don’t feel like the government is putting people’s health first. I feel like the only concern is to get the economy going again. But at what cost?

Answer 2 - Opinions

No. They have stayed pretty much the same. If anything, I worry that the virus will be around for much longer than I originally anticipated.

Answer 3 - Opening up

No I’m fearful. I am terrified as a pregnant woman that me and my unborn child will get sick.

Answer 4 - Protection

Isolation: I only leave the house for doctor appointments related to my pregnancy.
I wear a mask to every appointment and carry hand sanitizer with me wherever I go.
I also have attempted to strengthen my immune system through vitamins and diet but I don’t know how effective that would be against this virus.
I take the advice of my doctor and even go above and beyond in my cleaning and sanitation.

Answer 5 - Vaccines

I anticipate that I would have to wait until after my pregnancy but if human trials were successful then I would strongly consider a vaccination.

Answer 6 - Testing

No. I have no symptoms either.

Answer 7 - How much longer

I am ready to live with limitations until things are safe but it is very clear that the rest of the world isn’t willing to wait.

Answer 8 - Future

I think we all need to be more aware of our immune systems, our diets and our overall health in the future.
If the pandemic has taught me anything, it’s that we all need to take better care of ourselves and the earth.



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