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Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara

Collected Item: “Observations”

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May 9 and May 16, 2020




Sat May 9th was the first day that hardware stores could open for indoor shopping. I needed an urgent repair on something, so I ventured out for a part. The larger stores were encouraing distancing outside and limiting the number of customers who entered. Inside though, the staff did not wear masks and had no problem coming within inches of your face to help you. Most of the customers were not wearing masks and the over 50 set didn't think anything of brushing past - in front of me - while I was waiting at the plexiglass barrier at the service counter. On the way home I stopped at a burger franchise for take out. None of the staff behind the counter were wearing masks and they were working within inches of each other. There is no way they could physical distance during food prep. It was the first time I had purchased take-out during the pandemic and it was sad to see people putting themselves at risk for a burger.
May 16, 2020, Saturday of the long weekend. The roads are busy. It's nice to see people using the parks again, responsibly.
I stopped at a local discount chain to pick up some groceries. The staff were all working hard - masked/gloved, cleaning the carts and staying apart. The floor was taped off and they had barriers in place. The customers were acting like it was just another day pre-COVID. No masks, no sense of physical distancing at all, ignoring the marked off spaces in the lineup at the cash. At least three people were drunk and the person behind me at the checkout was high and kept coming close to me and touching everything on display. I would not be surprised if there is a spike in cases in a week or two.


St. Catharines

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