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Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara

Collected Item: “Public library archivist”

I agree:



Margaret Anderson


April 24, 2020


Public library archivist

Answer 1 - Work/School:

I go in to work at the public archives, which is not open to the public, by answering email and working through our backlog. I have digitized files and emailed them to researchers so they don't have to come in.

Answer 2 - At Home:

My partner now works at home and we have had to deal with wifi limitations so he can stay online.

Answer 3 - Concerns:

The uncertainty of when we will be allowed to "be public" again. How long will it take for a vaccine to be developed?

Answer 4 - Infected?:

No one personally but a few of my friends have experienced the death of a loved one.

Answer 5 - Media Coverage:

I appreciate the live coverage of Prime Minister Trudeau's updates each day. The media can be accused of free mongering and I don't think that's a bad idea in this case.

Answer 6 - Leadership:

Our local leaders are doing a great of responding but provincially, Preimier Kenney is a joke and an embarrassment as is his health minister. We are the best-hated constituents in the country. Justin Trudeau is doing his best to encourage and fund research, and speaks plainly about what we must do to come out the other side of this pandemic.

Answer 7 - End?:

I have no idea. I appreciate the way social media brings some of us together in ways we hadn't tried before. I can imagine we'll wear masks in public and continue social distancing. I hope further creative ideas of how we can socialize and recreate will come from this time.

Answer 8 - Thoughts:

I resent the way our provincial leader uses the pandemic to push his own agenda. He is incompetent and not up to the job. He has limited understanding of how people work in a society and focuses only on his own ambition. I would like to see him forced from office because he is not helping this province.



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