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Documenting COVID-19 in Niagara

Collected Item: “The World on Pause”

I agree:



The World on Pause

Answer 1 - Work/School:

I had been off work due to surgery and was looking for work when COVID hit. I cannot work front line retail etc right now because of a compromised immune system and am not receiving any benefits from anywhere. I've used up my savings and RRSPs. While I am looking for work and waiting for this to pass I have been volunteering for a not-for-profit from home.

Answer 2 - At Home:

My daily ritual hasn't changed much and I make sure to get out every day for a walk and fresh air. It concerned me when they shut down parks and trails. I understand that people weren't keeping apart, or off the equipment, but air, sun and exercise is so vital to our mental health. I'd like to see them ease off those restrictions with some limitations in place, though I understand that people out hiking etc could put rescue teams/paramedics at risk and strain the system even more.

Answer 3 - Concerns:

I worry about the people with no support. I understand the concerns by those on ODSP, Ontario Works etc about a clawback, but wish that those who are getting zero help right now (people laid off before COVID etc) could get some assistance. I worry about domestic violence and child abuse and people isolated with their abusers. I am concerned that the ill informed are being used as pawns for political gain in the US. I think we should pay attention to an erosion of civil rights when this is over, but now is not the time to be out potentially infecting others. I worry about all the cancer and transplant patients and those with serious illnesses who have had their surgeries and lives put on hold. I've had oncology visits cancelled indefinitely (and am thankful not to have to go near a hospital right now), but worry about those in greater need. It does exasperate me to see protesters on TV complaining about their right to be free to get and or spread the virus, while the front line workers and those on hold are paying the price. I do worry about the essential workers in grocery, food, etc putting themselves at risk while not getting paid nearly enough. A few feel good "let's pull together" ads by the large corporations can't make up for years of low wages and disrespect to their employees.

Answer 4 - Infected?:

No, but I have family members who work in health care and am on edge every day that they will contract it. I also have someone in long term care and that is a whole other issue. Yes, Doug Ford seems to be trying during the pandemic, but it was their cuts and indifference to human suffering that contributed to this situation in the first place.

Answer 5 - Media Coverage:

I think CBC TV is doing a fairly good job and I watch the daily briefings for as long as I can. CHCH is trying. I avoid other TV stations, but check in on NBC news to see how wacky things are in the US. I am grateful every day that I live in Canada, even with our flaws. I listen to the local campus station for a break from the nonsense and follow them on twitter for factual updates without the spin.

Answer 6 - Leadership:

I think Niagara Public Health is doing their best and evolving. People would still like to see a breakdown of stats by city though. I don't pay much attention to local politicians. The mayor is trying with his usual focus on business, but our issues are bigger than that and have been long before the pandemic. I think the federal government is doing a good job so far. The provincial government is trying. Yes, they are making some mistakes and yes we should discuss, analyze, and adjust when this is all over, but right now I wish Andrew Sheer would just stop talking.

Answer 7 - End?:

I think the shutdown will end sooner than it should and we'll see flare ups. There have been some good things come out of this: cleaner water, air etc., families actually spending time together for meals, the sleep deprived who are not essential workers being able to get more rest, an appreciation finally for essential workers and their struggles, and appreciation for how essential outreach and mental health workers are. Automation has been coming for awhile, so I hope the corporations won't use this as an excuse to move there more quickly. It's sickening that profit driven retirement homes put their shareholders before the health and well being of their residents and workers, so hopefully there will be a shift there. I suspect it may have to be legislated rather than voluntary.

Answer 8 - Thoughts:

I have been encourage by how people have pulled together and tried to help one another for the most part. The people out shopping for no particular reason, or ignoring social distancing are irritating, but most people are just doing the best they can with the hand they have been dealt.


St. Catharines

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