Early Politics in Niagara

It is Archives Awareness Week. We reached back to find something special. 

This is a page from an early minute book for the government of Grantham Township. It records the proceedings of meetings from 1818 to 1854 and the names of various town officers within those years. Family names include: Chisholm, Ball, Steele, TenBroeck, Shipman, Laraway, McKerney, Adams, Pawling, Merritt, Rolls, Robertson, Lampman, Phelps, and Darling. The book also notes the laws agreed upon for the period-many dealing with controlling livestock. 

What I enjoy most is the location of these important meetings were at the various taverns in the area-business and pleasure. 

The rest of the book can be found here- http://dr.library.brocku.ca/handle/10464/7335. And the original can be found in the Brock University Archives. 

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