A Guide to Crystal Beach

If you happen to be visiting Crystal Beach in 1922, here are some tips:
Don't park your auto on Derby Road.
Don't go through the village without a bath robe if you are in bathing costume.
Don't walk through the street doing the 'hugging' act. It shows very bad taste.
Don't argue with the Police.
Don't drive faster than TWELVE (12) miles per hour.
Don't, OH DON'T, let the COP get you.

There are more tips and information in C.J. Pilkey's Crystal Beach Guide from 1922 including local business advertisements, a fold out map, and other details for this growing community.

This entire guide can be found in the Brock University Archives or online at http://dr.library.brocku.ca/…/13527/Crystal_Beach_Guide.pdf….

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