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Archival Oddities


Prohibition Postcards

Most prohibition in Canada had ended by the late 1920s, but it lasted until 1933 in the United States. Some postcards depicted Canada as that wonderful place where you could drink alcohol while across the border it was "dry" or "very dry" as the card says.

Of course, there were always those who were totally opposed to drinking. The Temperance Society had dances, presentations and music such as this tune with the touching title "The Drunkard's Home" by Frank Howard. The front cover of the score has an illustration of two different experiences. One side of the illustration appears to be a family sitting by the fire as the patriarch reads the newspaper and the matriarch tends to one of the children. The other side of the illustration shows children on the floor in torn clothing as a female is slumped over a table and two men stumble to the door in an inebriated state.